Fourteen Teams Qualify for Second Round of IC@D

14 teams are participating in the second annual Innovation Competition at Dickinson (IC@D), which entered into its second round of evaluations on Monday, Feb. 29.

According to the Dickinson website, the Innovation Competition “offers a competitive platform for entrepreneurial students to pursue an idea they are passionate about.” The competition contains three rounds, during which groups present their business plan canvases for innovative goods, services or processes.

This year, 19 teams with 39 students registered for the first round of the competition. Each team consists of three to five students with different majors across humanities, social sciences and sciences. Two teams were disqualified prior to the first round for not meeting the interdisciplinary rule, which states that each team must represent at least two of these three college divisions.

As of the midnight deadline, 14 of the 16 teams submitted an entry for round one, which Mary Ann Leidigh, academic department coordinator for International Studies and International Business and Management, considered “a great start to the competition.”

Read the full article here.


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