Are You Listening?

At a time when the country feels as if it’s coming apart at the seams, it’s beyond “critical” that organizations consider not just their messaging, but also their fundamental practices.

What we’re witnessing is the opposite of “trickle down.” It’s bottom-up — where previously unheard voices are being amplified like never before.

For the past 15 years, Skild has worked hard to bring people and organizations together to level the playing field. Our innovation-challenge programs have been aimed at solving problems regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, not to mention financial or educational background. In fact, in our experience, it’s this very diversity that has driven innovation.

Now more than ever, we urge organizations large and small to put their efforts behind the drivers of their success — the diverse range of people, ideas, and voices that reflect the world as it is today. In other words, we ask you to walk before you talk.

Are you listening? What are you doing about it? What are you prepared to do?


Where’s my money?!


Launched: $10 million Inclusive Growth and Recovery Challenge